Monday, 1 February 2010

My kind of dictionary

Abscond - to steal someone's cream tea
Adder - common English expression meaning "I have slept with that woman".
Antelope - to run off with one's mother's sister
Beaverbrook - a nude bathing area
Boutique - a startlingly hard wood
Circumspect - the point of view of a Rabbi
Claustrophobia - the fear of jolly white-bearded men wearing red suits
Colonnade - a fizzy enema
Defibrillate - to interpret the meaning of Jeffrey Archer
Dictator - a humorously shaped vegetable
Egret - an apology sent by email.
Gurgle - to steal a ventriloquist's dummy
Granary - a retirement home
Hiding - a bell you cannot reach
Humpty-Dumpty - one who is humped and then dumped
Intercontinental - someone who has wet themselves all over the world.
Knighthood - a medieval contraceptive
Libel - an Australian price tag
Loggerheads - people addicted to sniffing logs
Lymph - to walk with a lisp
Piano - a musical shipping line
Rapscallion - a funky spring onion
Scooby-doo - responsible dog owner
Shellfish - a bit like a shelf
Shingle - Sean Connery's definition of a bachelor
Snuff Box - a coffin
Spectacular - a short sighted vampire
Supersede - Clark Kent's semen sample
Taffeta - a welsh goat's cheese
Tapioca - a disappointingly average dance routine.
Toronto - the Lone Ranger's little known Canadian accomplice
Transistor - a brother who wears his mother's clothes
Urdu - Liverpool Coiffure
Varnish - to disappear in Mayfair
Xylophone - the Greek Goddess of Scrabble.